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MSC en el Perú

The Missionaries of
the Sacred Heart
carry on the mission
of our Founder,
Father Jules Chevalier
announcing the love
of God incarnate in the
Sacred Heart
Together with all
the MSC in the
entire world
we want to tell you
where to find
real happiness

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Letter from the Rector of our MSC Seminary in Lima - Peru 2013



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Dear Friends, Brothers and Sister in Jesus Christ. Recieve our warmest greetings and a heartfelt welcome by the love of the divine Heart.

May I present myself? My name is Father Timoteo Solórzano Rojas msc, the rector ofFather Timoteo Solózano Rojas, Rector, Seminary, Missionaries of the Sacred Heart our Seminary, the Missionaries of the Sacret Heart. It's now two years ago that the MSC community asked me to help our youngsters in their formation process so that with God´s blessing they may become good shepherds at the service of the Catholic Church and our Society.

At this moment we have five philosophy students here in Lima and three young men who prepare themselves in Trujillo before entering the Seminary. Thanks to God and in spite of the vocation crisis we count eight candidates preparing themselves.

So you see we need urgently your spiritual and finantial help in support of our Seminary. The young men have a good heart und love Christ and the Church and strive to grow into a full service to God and to mankind.

Thank you so much for your generosity and your solidarity with the seminarians. From here we send you our best wishes and pray to God that He may bless you hundredfold.

We will be praying for you. Me best wishes for all of you.

P.Timoteo Solórzano msc

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