Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in Peru defending  life

Percentage of Pregnancies Aborted
by Country

compiled by Wm. Robert Johnston
last updated 5 January 2005

Percent of known pregnancies ending in legal abortions, most recent data (in order of decreasing percentage)


country year % notes
Albania 1999 25.6 data incomplete
Armenia 2001 24.5 data incomplete
Australia 2003 22.8 data incomplete
Austria 2000 3.0
Azerbaijan 2001 14.2 data incomplete
Bahrain 2001 0.2 abortions in the UK only
Belarus 2001 52.5
Belgium 2001 11.3
Belize 1996 28.1
Bermuda 1984 9.8
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1988 48.9
Botswana 1984 0.1 data incomplete
Bulgaria 2001 42.9
Canada 2001 24.2 data incomplete
Channel Islands 1994 16.1 data incomplete
Chile 1991 0.02
ROC Taiwan 1999 13.0 data incomplete
PR China 2001 27.1 data incomplete
Cocos Islands 1978 29
Croatia 2000 14.7 data incomplete
Cuba 2000 34.7
Czech Republic 2001 26.4
Denmark 2003 19.4
Dominican Republic 1998 14.8
Estonia 2001 48.0
Faeroe Islands 1975 3.2
Finland 2003 15.9
France 1998 19.6 data incomplete
French Guiana 1984 14.4 data incomplete
Georgia 2000 14.3 data incomplete
Germany 2001 15.6
Greece 1996 11.1
Greenland 2002 46.6
Guadaloupe 1998 41
Hong Kong 2001 29.6 data incomplete
Hungary 2001 36.8
Iceland 2002 18.6
India 2001 2.8 data incomplete
Ireland 2001 10.3 abortions abroad
Isle of Man 2000 17.6 abortions in the UK
Israel 2001 13.0
Italy 2001 19.9 data incomplete
Japan 2000 22.3 data incomplete
Kazakhstan 1999 39.4
South Korea 1996 25.0 estimated
Kyrgyzstan 2001 19.2 data incomplete
Latvia 2001 44.3
Lithuania 2001 30.2 data incomplete
Luxembourg 1997 0.02 abortions abroad, data incomplete
Macedonia 2000 28.0 data incomplete
Malta 2001 1.5 abortions abroad, data incomplete
Martinique 1999 30
Mexico 2000 0.12 data incomplete
Moldova 2001 30.5 data incomplete
Mongolia 1997 20.6 data incomplete
Netherlands 2002 12.7
New Caledonia 1998 25.2
New Zealand 2002 24.3
Norway 2001 19.7
Panama 2000 0.02 data incomplete
Poland 2001 0.03
Portugal 2001 0.5
Puerto Rico 1992 22.9
Reunion 1988 24.1
Romania 2003 51.2 data incomplete
Russia 2002 57 data incomplete
Saudi Arabia 2001 0.02 abortions in the UK only
Saint Helena 1990 7.1
Seychelles 1990 8.3
Singapore 2000 22.6
Slovakia 2001 27.1
Slovenia 2001 30.9
South Africa 2003 8.0 data incomplete
Spain 2000 13.8 data incomplete
Sweden 2003 25.7
Switzerland 2001 14.4
Tajikistan 1997 15.4
(Texas) 2001 16.9
Tunisia 1996 9.6 estimated
Turkey 1993 19.9 estimated
Turkmenistan 1997 22.4
Ukraine 2000 53.0
United Kingdom 2001 22.8
United States 2000 24.4 estimated
Uzbekistan 1997 12.4 data incomplete
Venezuela 1968 0.8
Vietnam 2002 37 data incomplete
Yugoslavia 1998 31.4 data incomplete
Zambia 1983 0.4 data incomplete
Zimbabwe 1992 0.1 abortions abroad, data incomplete


List of nations by year of most recent data:


This is not a joke. It is nothing but the truth.
A man pleaded with GOD.
"Dear GOD, why don't you send us men and women who can find a cure for cancer, aids and heart disease, who can help the poor, feed the hungry and who can stop war?"
GOD replied, "I did."
"But... but... where are they?"
"They came back to Me almost at once: You

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