We have some explaining to do.

Many of the answers we offer here at "Just Asking" are the outcome of interchanges on the Catholicism Board at "Askme.com", a now defunct site, where you could ask questions, argue and have debates. If you had something to contribute you could offer your advice as an expert. The answers could be rated by those who read them. This way the "experts" received "stars" and ranking on the scale of experts.

The Missionaries of the Sacred Heart thought that a high percentage of these answers could be useful for those who have questions on faith and morals. I'ts true, the answers are of very different quality. We didn�t eliminate those of mediocre importance; we just didn�t dare because we can�t grade the questions. They are important for those who asked them. So we bring them all in.

We hope they are of use to you.

God bless you.








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