aggressively in faith


Anonymous asked this question on 3/2/2001:
I've noticed something in this forum that seems sad to me. Some people appear to be asking questions, not for information, but to see how closely the experts answers match their own opinions. I've read some really great answers that I've personally disagreed with, but they were great answers nonetheless. However, they are rated very low and receive quite a jabbing response from the asker. Even questions asking for opinions are rated low? How can that be? I know there is no way to stop this practice, but it has saddened me and I just wanted to voice my opinion.



The Lord may give us His Spirit of conversion during this time of grace.

The reactions you describe are very real.

However, I think that we have to distinguish between the truth and the way you present the truth. Many times a low grading is not directed against the content of the expert's answer. It is a reaction to the way of answering.

When it's about truth, you have to fight it out without giving quarters. When it's about sfumature then the "beauty is in the eye of the beholder".

Perhaps we can suggest that the 'grader' should explain a little why he-she grades as he-she does?

But in the end, even aggressive questions and abrasive reactions are a blessing in disguise. They arouse a Catholic answer. The truth is announced. So even the enemy be blessed because he-she unwittingly contributes that the truth be told.










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