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MSC en el Perú

The Missionaries of
the Sacred Heart
carry on the mission
of our Founder,
Father Jules Chevalier
announcing the love
of God incarnate in the
Sacred Heart
Together with all
the MSC in the
entire world
we want to tell you
where to find
real happiness

at your service

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(sometimes with some delays) 

We are beginning to reform this part of our site. Lets begin with the MSC and than imbibe other items:


10-01-2010 Reform the liturgical reform: the Pontifical Master of Liturgical Ceremonies , Msgr. Guido Marini on January 6, 2010 in a Conference for the Year of the Priest ha offered an INTRODUCTION TO THE SPIRIT OF THE LITURGY. Very much worth the effort to read it.

25-11-2006 For every day you can have a quote of the day, a description what happened in history on that day, a dictionary word, an article of the day, birthday of someone famous. Go and look

China: Forced abortions and forbidden to speak up. We should boycot the Olympics in China.

Would you like to know how you looked at the beginning of your life? Well, take a look.

Are you against hipocrisy? Given the modern Holocaust of innocent victims we have published a series of pictures.  They are stark because they show innocent victims slaughtered. But better a traumatized person than a murderer.

. We can offer you en excellent article "Science, Reason and Faith in the Third Millennium" explaining the importance of the Encyclical Letter "Fides et Ratio" of John Paul II. Go and get it, (You'll need Acrobat Reader)


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