kiss at marriage ceremony


Artisan asked this question on 7/24/2000:


I attended a Catholic, High Mass wedding on Saturday. I have to say it was the most beautiful service I've ever seen. The priest did not allow the bride and groom to kiss. What is the reason behind this, tradition or doctrine?

thank you ,

cherry shaw



mscperu gave this response on 7/25/2000:


The joy of the Lord be in your heart.

Participating in the liturgy - our oriental brothers call it divine liturgy - were every detail is in its place should help every participant to contemplate the presence of God.

We are convinced that the official ceremonies of the Church are the ways that the Lord makes His presence visible. The Vatican Council has explained that there are signs of the presence: the faithful, the priest, the Eucharistic signs, etc. are a guarantee that the Lord gives His grace to all present.

Therefore the Church defines how the liturgy has to be celebrated. In the official marriage liturgy the kiss of the newlyweds is mentioned. So the priest is acting according the official ritual of the Church. The signs of the sacrament of marriage are the interchange of the vows and the rings. There are some special prayers too.

Some priests do allow it. Why? Because all expect it like you did and they think it is congruent.

Outside of the USA and the regions influenced by it you would never see the couple kiss in the ceremony.

So the priest who does not permit the kiss has done everything what the Church prescribes. He has done right.

The priest which permit it are not wrong but they are admitting something that is not considered in the official ritual.




Artisan rated this answer:  


 thank you so much for your considerate answer.



mscperu gave this follow-up answer on 7/25/2000:

I am very sorry.

I was in a hurry and erred. Forgive me.

Here is the corrected answer



The joy of the Lord be in your heart.

Participating in the liturgy - our oriental brothers call it divine liturgy - where every detail is in its place should help every participant to contemplate the presence of God.

We are convinced that the official ceremonies of the Church are the ways that the Lord makes His presence visible. The Vatican Council has explained that there are signs of God's presence: the faithful, the priest, the Eucharistic signs, etc. are a guarantee that the Lord gives His grace to all present.

Therefore with great care the Church defines how the liturgy has to be celebrated. In the official marriage liturgy the kiss of the newlyweds is NOT mentioned, so it is not considered a sign. So the priest is acting according the official ritual of the Church. The signs of the sacrament of marriage are the interchange of the vows and the rings. There are some special prayers too.

Some priests do allow the kiss. Why? Because all expect it like you did and he thinks it is congruent.

Outside of the USA and the regions influenced by it you would never see the couple kiss in the ceremony.

So the priest who does not permit the kiss has done everything what the Church prescribes. He has done right.

The priests who permit it are not wrong but they are admitting something that is not considered in the official ritual.







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