Lay persons and the MSC


Funghi asked this question on 6/2/2000:

Dear Father,

I visited your website but do not understand the Spanish language, but thought details of some associations for laypersons were mentioned thereon. I love God totally, and would like to find out more about any lay associations connected with the Sacred Heart please. This is in connection with my personal spiritual journey with the Lord. I love Him so much, and want to grasp every opportunity to try to learn to be a better little worker for Him. Thank you and God bless you.

By the way, Father, I'm glad you are here; we need good Catholic Priests on this site, as we Catholic laypersons do our best, but you have the knowledge and expertise some of us (me especially!)lack. Thank you for joining us, and thank you for all you are doing to help bring more people back to God. As you'll probably have gathered, it's not easy on this site, but it is so very worthwhile if we can help even one person to come to know and love Jesus.

Yours in Jesus and Mary,




mscperu gave this response on 6/2/2000:

Dear Funghi:

Happy to meet you.

Our Founder has wanted from the beginning of the Society to share his charisma proclaiming the Love of God through a human Heart.

Please go to our official pages in

You will find different languages. Visit the Canadian site too to have more information.

God bless you

in Corde Jesu

Gerardo Mueller msc


Funghi rated this answer:  

 Thank you Father, and God bless you always.





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