Sola Scriptura


Here's some bible "scholarship"...

If I am to assume the Bible is the sole rule of authority and doctrine, that Gods New Covenant and what we need to know about Jesus is consigned wholly unto writing then I must be able to say with authority

i) Jesus never wrote

ii) Jesus never explicitly commanded the Apostles to write.

iii) Jesus never commanded (or even hinted at) non-Apostles writing (Mk, Lk, Jude, James).

iv) Jesus is not said to have sent the Holy Spirit to aid the Apostles primary in writing.

v) Jesus is not said to have sent the Holy Spirit to aid non-Apostles in writing.

vi) Jesus never promised that the Holy Spirit would protect the transmission of the written word.

vii) The inspired Apostles and non-Apostles never explicitly command Christian to follow the O.T. and their writings alone.

viii) Neither Jesus nor the Apostles ever mentioned that oral Tradition would be at some point in the future replaced by writings.

ix) Neither Jesus nor the Apostles ever mentioned anything about collecting all their writings into an authoritative collection for future followers.

Sola Scripture is an amazing contradiction to common sense and bible scholarship that recognizes the many many NT references to Church and Church leadership and it's (The NT) complete silence about itself.






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