Pope John XXIII convened Vatican Council II

david_davies2 asked this question on 8/16/2000:

Which pope convened the second Vatican Council?



mscperu gave this response on 8/16/2000:

Greetings david_davies2

The joy of the risen Lord be in your heart.

It was John XXIII.

Everybody thought he would be a transition Pope, i.e. the cardinals had elected an older man so to make time.

When he was elected everybody was talking about Montini (later Pope Paul VI) as the papabile. He was Pro-Secretary of State.

I have had the privilege to be there in Rome finishing my studies of theology. I remember when the new Pope was announced, everybody asked: "Who is Roncalli?".

He began crossing Rome afoot and in car visiting the parishes, something quite new at that time.

When he proposed the Council everybody was against it. But he persisted. They asked him "What for?" He opened the window and told them: "For this!"

He is soon to be beatified.

They have published part of his spiritual diary. Wonderful book.







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