Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in Peru defending  life

Look: Those who marched to defend peace
at the same time...
their Children.


We are in favor of peace on earth. It's allright to protest against war. But we see an hipocriy here . What about the silent war that kills the innocent? Who marches protesting and defending their right to live? Well, they cannot march, they cannot defend themselves, they have been murdered.

770 protestando en Londres contra la Guerra en Irak In London 779 000 went on the street to protest against war.

Great Britain has killed - they are on record - more than  5,175,000 innocent persons
Probably the numbers are  much higher.
Imagine them marching on the streets of London.

660 000 marchando en Madrid In Madrid more than 660 000 went on the street to protest against war.

Spain  has killed - they are on record - more than 629,000 innocent persons, almost as many as have protested against war. Probably the numbers are  much higher. Imagine them marching on the streets of Madrid.

Un millón en Roma contra la guerra In Roma more than 1 000 000 .went on the street to protest against war.

Italy has killed - they are on record - more than 3,679,000 innocent persons. Probably the numbers are  much higher. IImagine them marching on the streets of Madrid.

Many other nations have marched against war. Why isn't there anybody who protests against the killings of the innocent in the womb of their mother. They have the right to live, to be happy, to love and to be loved.  The percentages may differ, but the killing goes on and on. Can you find your country on the list of the champions of abortion? We are lucky - you who read this and I who am writing this -  that our mother respected life.

At this moment every month they kill   1,594,000 Innocents.

Please, look at some pictures. They are gruesome, you may be traumatized, but better  a trauma than an assassination.

This is not a joke. It is nothing but the truth.
A man pleaded with GOD.
"Dear GOD, why don't you send us men and women who can find a cure for cancer, aids and heart disease, who can help the poor, feed the hungry and who can stop war?"
GOD replied, "I did."
"But... but... where are they?"
"They came back to Me almost at once: You

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